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25, male

  Meister der Meister


Posts: 347

Re: Cafeteria

from Tenzoma on 08/01/2015 11:42 PM

//sollte ich aufhören sie im ist ja kurz davor wegzulaufen...nein ich will wissen was er meinte//
Wenn es keins ist kannst du es ja übersetzen
*lächelt sie freundlich an*
//das ist voll fies grade//
*schämt sich innerlich*
(Ich feier diese aktion grade) 




26, female



Posts: 229

Re: Cafeteria

from Latena on 08/01/2015 11:44 PM

Nagut also..
*nuschelt etwas vor sich hin und versteckt sich in ihrer Hoodie*
#Cookie: *legt den Kopf schief und fiebt*#
Nein, nicht lauter Cookie!
(Ich irgendwie auch xD) 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 

Reply Edited on 08/01/2015 11:45 PM.


25, male

  Meister der Meister


Posts: 347

Re: Cafeteria

from Tenzoma on 08/01/2015 11:46 PM

*versteht nichts*
also ich stimme cookie zu etwas lauter wäre nicht schlecht


Reply Edited on 08/01/2015 11:46 PM.


26, female



Posts: 229

Re: Cafeteria

from Latena on 08/01/2015 11:48 PM

*Knetet auf der Melonensodadose rum*
Seine ersten Worte waren: "Seine Schulter ist wärmer und gemütlicher"
Und danach.. Danach.. ja.. also..
*schluckt schwer* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



25, male

  Meister der Meister


Posts: 347

Re: Cafeteria

from Tenzoma on 08/01/2015 11:51 PM

tja da weiß jemand was gut ist
*gibt cookie noch einen keks*
//das war mein letzder...mist//
*bemerkt ihr schlucken nicht ist voll auf cookie konzentriert* 




26, female



Posts: 229

Re: Cafeteria

from Latena on 08/01/2015 11:52 PM

Ich mag dich..
*nuschelt leise*
Das Wollte dir Cookie sagen..
#Cookie: *Knabbert am Keks und fiebt, da alles seine richtigkeit hat*# 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



25, male

  Meister der Meister


Posts: 347

Re: Cafeteria

from Tenzoma on 08/01/2015 11:54 PM

und das war jetzt diesen aufstand wert
*schaut sie belustigt an*
du bist mir eine
//ich dachte schon das hat was mit mord und so zu tuhen// 




26, female



Posts: 229

Re: Cafeteria

from Latena on 08/01/2015 11:57 PM

*Wird knallrot*
Weißt du wie schwer das ist?
#Cookie: *merkt das sich ihre Aura veränder und schüttelt nur den Kopf*#
*Kauert sich auf dem Stuhl zusammen*
Vergiss das alles einfach. 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



25, male

  Meister der Meister


Posts: 347

Re: Cafeteria

from Tenzoma on 08/01/2015 11:59 PM

wenn du willst
//...ok es wird wohl schwer werden das zu vergessen//
darf cookie überhaupt kekse essen?
//hätte ich wohl früher fragen sollen// 




26, female



Posts: 229

Re: Cafeteria

from Latena on 08/02/2015 12:03 AM

Eigentlich nicht, aber wenn man es ihm verbietet wird er aggressiv und oder schmollt den ganzen Tag.
*Kratzt auf dem Tisch rum und wirft Cookie einen Kalten Blick zu*
#Cookie: *zuckt zusammen*# 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 

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