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26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 23:29

Schon gut
#Cookie:*springt von ihrer Schulter, auf seine und hockt sich da hin*#
Hey, du verräter
Cookie ist eigentlich ganz anders. Er hasst wie ich fremde und faucht alles was sich bewegt an. 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 23:23

Er kann ganz schön anstrengend sein
*lächelt und nimmt das Buch und Cookie hoch*
Dein Rabe ist aber auch ziemlich cool. 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 23:17

Vielen dank
*verbäugt sich*
#Cookie: *kommt mit einem Buch zurück*#
*sieht zu Cookie*
Was hast du denn da..
*liest sich den Titel durch*
Kannst du vergessen, ich habe es dir schon 3 mal vorgelesen.
*krault cookie* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 23:09

Solange du es heil zurück bringst, klar.
Jedenfalls sind es auch einzelexemplare..
Manche geschrieben von Schülern manche geschieben von Lehrern
//und manche von mir.. Leider keine Lehrbücher// 
*hat genug vertrauen geschöpft und zieht die Kapuze Runter*
Du kennst ja garnicht meinen Namen, ich bin Ἀνάγκη. Nenn mich aber bitte Latena
*schmunzelt leicht* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 22:54

Sie sind relativ alt. Schüler dürfen hier eigentlich nicht ran..
//Kommt davon, da sich kaum jemand ausser ich sich um die Bücher kümmert..//
*Schließt auf, versteckt aber ihre Hände*
Nimm dir eines raus was dich anspricht.. 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 22:49

oh, ä-äh klar..
*geht richtung vitrienen und ihre Ketten klimpern wieder*
Hier müssten sie sein
*zieht einen schlüssel hervor* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 22:42

I-Ich kann welche holen gehen..
*dreht sich zu ihm und kratzt sich am oberarm* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 22:28

*Nimmt dann, als er nicht guckt die Bücher und sortiert sie sorgfältig ein*
J-Ja, recht viele.
*überlegt wo*

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 22:21

*Nickt, geht vorsichtig und unsicher zu ihm hin*
Das ist schön zu hören
*zögert ihm die Bücher ab zu nehmen und versteckt ihre Hände mit den Ärmeln*
*keine Antwort* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Hinterste Ecke

von Latena am 29.07.2015 22:13

*erschreckt sich trotzdem, lässt die Bücher fallen und zieht die Kapuze ganz schnell tief in ihr Gesicht*
A-Ah du bists
*Atmet tief durch und sammelt die Bücher wieder ein*
#cookie: *springt von Latenas Schulter und klettert zwischen den Regalen her*#
Brauchst du weitere Bücher? 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 

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