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25, Männlich

  Meister der Meister


Beiträge: 347

Re: Felsen

von Tenzoma am 03.08.2015 22:09

*nickt nimmt es hin*




26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Felsen

von Latena am 03.08.2015 22:21

*Summt leise und beruhigt sich damit etwas*

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



25, Männlich

  Meister der Meister


Beiträge: 347

Re: Felsen

von Tenzoma am 03.08.2015 22:23

*steht auf*
ich gehe zurück in mein Zimmer
Muss noch duschen und so und wenn alle pennen geht das nicht mehr
*lächelt entschuldigend* 




26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Felsen

von Latena am 03.08.2015 22:30

Ist gut
*lächelt und hebt zur verabschiedung die Hand* 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



25, Männlich

  Meister der Meister


Beiträge: 347

Re: Felsen

von Tenzoma am 03.08.2015 23:05

Bis dann
*dreht sich um geht zurück zu seinen Zimmer* 




26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Felsen

von Latena am 03.08.2015 23:29

*Nickt und lässt sich zurück auf den Stein plumsen*

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 



26, Weiblich



Beiträge: 229

Re: Felsen

von Latena am 04.08.2015 14:37

*steht auf und geht richtung Bibilothek*
Cookie, komm..
#Cookie: *Geht mit ihr mit*# 

Remembering the times you spent together, knowing they will never happen again.
Regreting the words you said, wishing you could take them back. 
Your childhood memories, bring only pain.
You would do anything, just to have that Person from your memories back 
Watching the one you love, being happy with someone else.
You just want, to scream the Pain out.
To make it stop, no matter what the cost.
You even forget, about everything else.
Thinking it's your fault, everything fell apart. 
You feel like, your life is over ...
Until someone gives you a hand and save you from your darkness 
Even if it cost them their own life but, regret will stil follow you and you will feel like you..
Dying Inside.. 


Gelöschter Benutzer

Re: Felsen

von Toru am 10.08.2015 16:38

*kommt hierher*
*setzt sich in eine Lücke zwischen zwei Felsen*
*zieht seine Kapuze runter und nimmt Toka*
Na kleiner?
*setzt ihn auf den Boden*
#Toka: *läuft langsam los*#
*beobachtet ihn und hört nebenbei Musik*

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